
November 10, 2022

What do you think is the role of businesses in fighting climate change?

I'm concerned about greenwashing, and companies claiming they're doing more than they actually do.



If businesses can see that they can thrive by taking climate action, that's a good thing. I can see why companies want to move away from fossil fuels because of the risks and because they're the energy of the past, not the future.


I think businesses can have a huge positive impact. Small businesses can take local action, and big companies can make decisions like Munich Re did.



I think all subsidies from the fossil fuel industries should be ended and the funds transferred to renewables like solar, wind and tidal. I think the lawsuits against big oil should be resolved with a huge fines against them and then transferred to a renewables trust fund for dissemination. Corporate greed - graft and corruption should be criminalized and CEO's and Board Members of fossil fuel corporations fined and imprisoned if possible. WE need to change the climate of corruption and greed to. one that supports climate action and climate - extreme weather- solutions. THIS needs to be our MOONSHOT Program!

-Peter Suchmann

Ingrid Zabel2022