The Fires That Burn For You

December 3, 2020

Vehicle- started it twice today! Hot water heater, Electric heat, Lights, Christmas Lights, Water pumps, Plus about 19 more things apparently!!! :-0

-Katie Whittaker

How many fires are burning for you today? Try listing them, including things such as your furnace, stove, vehicle, power plant that supplies your electricity, etc.

Three or four? Gas stove, gas furnace, car definitely. I'm not sure where our electricity comes from - maybe a power plant that burns natural gas.

-Peter O.

Three fires at my home: our gas furnace, gas water heater, and car (internal combustion engine). For electricity we have community solar. Probably lots of things our home were made in some process that involved burning fossil fuels.

-Ingrid Zabel


Three: Furnace, a restaurant oven and stove that is currently cooking my dinner, the car that will deliver it.

-Randy Holf

I cooked 3 meals today on a gas stove. I made tea with an electric kettle. I drove 4 miles round trip to the grocery store. I heated my house.

-Lora Peters

Who knows? I used my oven and stove today for cooking. But, I'm certain there are more to "power my home."

-Nicole Murawski