Excuses and Apathy

February 7, 2022

I feel overwhelmed sometimes. But I do things I think are good for the environment on a regular basis because of climate change and for other reasons, and I feel good about that.


What is your excuse?

It's hard to afford cleaner options.


I don't worry about excuses or not doing everything. I do what I can.



I DON’T have an excuse but if we can make a difference we should



I want to do the most impactful thing I can with the time and resources I have. I don't know what that is, so I end up doing nothing.



It's hard when you feel powerless. I vote and avoid chemicals but it doesn't feel enough.


It feels hopeless to engage in individualized efforts when corporate giants continue to regress our efforts tenfold :(


The more we continue to burn the more we will see experience and pay for the effects. Doing nothing will cost as much or more.

-Dave Johnson

I’m tired.
