NY State Energy Subsidies

October 11, 2023

What energy should taxpayers subsidize in New York State?

As much as possible, we should subsidize energy sources that don’t pollute, don’t heat up the planet, and create good jobs. Like solar and wind!



We may have to subsidize some fossil fuel sources to protect people in the short run. For example, helping families with low incomes pay for gas to heat their homes. In the long run, I’d like to see taxpayer support go to renewable energy only.



Fossil fuel subsidies go against NYS goals for a greener future by promoting the import and production of these disruptive energy sources. Cleaner sources like wind and solar should be prioritized and subsidized.



Don’t subsidize any energy source. Let the market decide which sources will win. We’ve been giving fossil fuels the advantage for too long.

-Free Marketeer


We owe it to ourselves and our children to make the switch now. We have funded dirty energy for too long. Lets do the right thing for NY and the future.

-Emily B.




Ingrid Zabel2023